Made to order Western Cedar flute have a processing time of 1-2 weeks.
Made to order Western Cedar is our most popular wood type. Cedar is beautiful and comes in various colors from light browns, pinks, and dark browns. Western Cedar is a softwood and provides a beautiful warm tone. Our Cedar comes from grade A Northern British Columbia Cedars.
What's the process?
Our Flutes are split bore flutes which means there are two halves glued together. We bore out each blank then use a mallet, chisel and small files to hand perfect the sound box. The sound box is what will makes your flute have that beautiful traditional tone which you are after. We shape the flutes on a lathe, then put in the sound holes.
What's the Finish?
Our flutes are 100% food grade safe. We use food safe safe wood oil, to seal the flute and then food safe wax to protect the flute.
How do I choose?!
You have the option to choose from all various keys and two hz. The key of A is the easiest to play as it has the smallest finger holes that are closest together. The key of G and F# are our two most popular midtone options that offer a lower tone (F# being lower). If you like lower tones the Key of E is a great option with out moving into a bass flute. The key of Low D and C both have beautiful lower tones, however they have larger finger holes that are further spaced apart which may be difficult for a first time buyer.
Choosing HZ is simple. All standard flutes are tuned to 440hz which is the same tuning as a piano. For Sound healers or those who are interested in the tuning to earths vibration, then 432hz is a fantastic option.